The McConnell Dowell name is synonymous with marine design and construction with over 330 marine projects successfully completed.

For over 60 years we have delivered customer-focussed solutions for wharves, jetties, ocean outfalls, breakwaters, causeways and submarine pipelines.

Creativity is our hallmark. It was our purpose-built barge that laid twin 1200 mm diameter pipelines across Botany Bay in Sydney. Our modular approach to wharf construction made us industry leaders and the partner of choice for resources clients like Rio Tinto and BHP.

We bring a strong track record of working in busy operational port environments, and our in-house engineering team are experts at developing temporary works and construction methods that drive onsite safety and productivity.

Our fleet of marine equipment is comprehensive, while our systems and procedures for marine project delivery are proven in the protection of our people, plant and the environment.



Check out our ports and coastal projects